“The safety culture of an organisation is the product of individual and group values,
attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behaviour that determine the
commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organisation’s health and safety
management. Organisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by
communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance
of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures.”
-- U.K. Health and Safety Commission
The Tate Environment, Health, Safety & Security (EHSS) Policy is determined by
the responsible and decisive management of the environmental, health, safety and community circumstances.
Tate strives to meet the key goals of:
- 1.- Protecting people, both staff and community in terms of both their safety and health.
- 2.- Protecting the environment.
- 3.- Fulfilling social commitments.
The oil industry employs a complex blend of many technical and academic disciplines.
Teamwork among these disciplines is the foundation for achieving business success.
Furthermore, HS&E is the cornerstone of achieving business success in a manner which
is environmentally sensitive and safe.
Tate Petroleum Safety Golden Rules will be set, understood and followed by all and
Safety will always be at the forefront of our operations.
At Tate Petroleum we firmly believe that oil & gas extraction operations can - and
must - be conducted in precisely this manner.
- • Tate monitors and adjusts its Environmental and Social Impact Awareness (ESIA)
for our projects to uphold our commitment to not undertake operations in
World Heritage Sites, with robust screening of potential new projects against
Protected Area and their Guidelines.
- • Tate is committed to ensuring our colleagues and host communities are kept
safe and well, and to raising awareness of potential dangers related to our
operations and the locations where we operate. Providing a safe working environment
for our employees and contractors is a core value and business priority and
our performance on safety for our projects we undertake.
- • Our goal is to achieve top industry quartile safety performance through improving
employee health.
- • Major accident hazards represent a material risk to the success of our projects
and with applied process safety management policies a high standard of safety
is maintained in our drilling and production activities.
- • Our aim is to provide asset protection with the traditional corporate security
functions expected within the industry, business continuity, with crisis and
emergency management for all employees and contractors. These methods are designed
to protect our future assets (people, physical and intellectual) and reputation
from sources of potential and actual harm. They also ensure that we can rapidly
adapt and respond in a resilient way to unforeseen events that could impact normal
business operations and mitigate the impact on people, the environment, assets
and our reputation.